Choosing The Right Bollards For Your Needs


It is all good and well to have bollards for extra security, however, if you do not have suitable bollards for your specific needs, it may defeat the purpose. For example, if you have basic concrete posts placed at an exit instead of retractable posts, you may experience many problems.


If you are looking for bollards to add security and protection to your home or business, you have found the right place. At StreetScape, we will help advise you on which bollards will be the best fit for your specific needs.


A Guide To Choosing The Right Bollard For Your Needs


Bollards play a big role in urban design, they provide various benefits which include pedestrian safety, traffic management, and security. However, when it comes to choosing these posts for your own specific needs, it can be challenging.


There are many different types and styles of bollards available. Continue reading to find out the best way to choose the perfect bollard for your specific needs. There are five things that you should consider, that includes:


Identify your needs: What do you need these posts for? What will their purpose be? Do you need them to manage traffic, create a welcoming environment, or enhance security?


Knowing these needs will help you narrow down the available options and choose a type of bollard that will work best for your specific requirements.


Consider the location and aesthetics: These are two essential factors that will play a role in the type of bollards you choose. These posts can be designed in a way that blends into their surroundings, or they can be used as a visual statement.


These posts can be used to enhance the aesthetic of an area. Also take into consideration the style, finish, and colour of the bollards you would like.


It helps to make sure that all these elements complement the surrounding environment and designs.


Choose the right material for the bollard: Bollards are not only made from concrete they can also be produced from many different materials such as wood, plastic, and steel. The material you choose for these posts will depend on your budget and your needs.


Steel bollards are a very common choice, and they are of higher strength and durability, which makes them ideal for areas with high traffic.


Concrete bollards are more cost-effective, while on the other hand, plastic bollards are easier to install and lightweight.


Choose the right type: There are also various types of bollards, each having unique features and benefits. Fixed posts are permanent barriers against vehicles and are perfect for high-security environments.


Posts that can be removed provide owners with flexibility and can also be removed whenever they are not needed. Lastly, retractable posts can be easily lowered into the ground or raised again when needed.




Consider the installation and maintenance of each bollard: Each type of bollard will have its own installation and maintenance requirements. Permanent posts require an extensive installation process compared to removable and retractable bollards.


These two types of posts are very easy to install. The maintenance requirements will depend on the type of bollard you choose as well as the location.


For example, the posts placed in high-traffic areas will require frequent maintenance to make sure they continue to function correctly.


Bollards And Bike Lane Safety: Safe Spaces For Cyclists


Cities continue to grow and they are becoming more congested, this has increased the need for safe spaces for cyclists. Providing designated areas for cyclists to cycle on busy roads may help increase their safety while travelling.




This solution can increase the safety of cyclists, however, cycling lanes must be protected properly. This should be done to make sure cyclists are safe. To guarantee this safety, bollards will play a vital role in executing this plan.


These short posts will be used to control or protect cyclists against vehicle access. This will help to minimize the risk of accidents and increase the overall safety of cyclists.


A major benefit of using the posts for cyclist protection is the increased visibility they will provide. These bollards can be equipped with lights or reflective materials so that cyclists can be seen while travelling.


Bollards can also be painted bright colours to catch the attention of drivers, this will make it clear that no vehicle should enter a bike lane. This is important in areas where there is reduced visibility due to severe weather conditions or low light.


Furthermore, providing vehicles with a visible cue is especially important, however, it is important to note that these posts are also physical barriers.


They may not look like much, but they can prevent vehicles from swerving into cycling lanes or crossing over into these lanes while turning. This is vital at intersections, as these are areas where many accidents between vehicles and cyclists happen.


Bollards can be extremely helpful when protecting bike lanes, but it is important to choose a bollard that will fit the needs of this situation. For example, if a bollard is too short or thin it more than likely will not be able to withstand the impact of a car.


On the other hand, a bollard that is too wide or tall will obstruct the view of cyclists and drivers. This will cause more harm than good. Additionally, the materials used to build these posts are important. They should be made from strong materials as weak and brittle materials will not be able to withstand regular impacts. Bollards that are made with strong materials will provide increased protection.


However, when choosing materials, the cost should also be considered. This cost will not only include the cost of the actual materials, but also the maintenance. Lastly, each bollard should be installed correctly and maintained. If they are installed or maintained incorrectly each bollard will become weak, making them ineffective, dangerous, and useless. To prevent this from happening, contact StreetScape. We will make sure that each bollard is installed correctly.


Also regularly check each bollard, this will help you quickly identify any damage or wear and tear. This will allow you to quickly make repairs or contact StreetScape for replacements.


Bollards And School Safety: Safe And Secure Learning Environments


When it comes to school environments, the safety of students is important for parents, administrators, and the whole community. One safety element that is often used for school safety is bollards. These bollards are used to create secure and safe learning environments by protecting students, parents and staff from potential threats. These posts can be used as physical barriers between potential threats such as pedestrians or vehicles and school grounds.


Bollards are effective when it comes to preventing unauthorised access to schools as well as reducing the risk of attacks or accidents. They will ensure that vehicles are not able to access specific areas of schools. Bollards can be used around specific areas of school grounds such as athletic fields or playgrounds, to increase the safety of staff and students during break times or sporting events.


A major benefit of bollards on school grounds is that just like cycling lanes, they also increase visibility. This will make it easy for drivers to see students entering and leaving school grounds, and make it clear that vehicles should not enter those areas. This will be extremely helpful especially on early winter mornings when it is still dark during school drop-off times.




Lastly, no matter what type of bollards are used the right one needs to be chosen for each specific requirement, including the materials used, and they need to be maintained regularly. If you are considering having bollards installed on your property, contact StreetScape today.


We will make sure that this process is hassle-free. Our staff will help you find the perfect bollards for your specified requirements, whether it is for school or cycling areas.


Bollards And Storm Surge Safety: Securing Coastal Communities


Coastal communities like Cape Town face many different challenges when looking at safety and security, specifically during times of extreme weather like storms. A key element of storm surge safety is using bollards. They create safe and protected areas to reduce the impact of high water and reduce damage to properties and infrastructure. Storm surge refers to an unusual rise in water produced by a storm. This is usually a lot more than the predicted astronomical tides.


Bollards are used as barriers between coastal areas and the coast. They protect these areas against flooding and various other impacts caused by storms.


These posts are also used to protect roads, utilities, buildings, and other critical infrastructure from storm surges and their destructive forces. An important factor in using these posts against storm surges is their versatility.




They are often used for various things, but their function depends on the specific needs of the coastal community. An example of how they could be used includes creating seawalls to protect communities against high waves and storm surges.


They are also used as barriers around critical infrastructure like water treatment plants and power stations. These bollards are also extremely durable. Bollards that are used for storm surge safety are often made from many varied materials, including steel, plastic, and concrete. These materials are not affected by corrosion that is often caused by saltwater as well as other environmental elements.


The durability of these posts allows them to stay effective and functional during harsh weather conditions. When implementing these types of bollards, it is vital to choose the right ones, or they will be rendered useless.


Bollards that are too short or that are not wide enough will not be able to stand against the strong force of storm surges. While bollards that are too tall and wide will obstruct water flow and this may cause more damage. The materials that are used for these posts should be easy to maintain, should not be too expensive, and if it is necessary aesthetic appeal can be taken into consideration. These posts must be maintained.


If they are not inspected regularly for possible maintenance these posts will not be able to fill their requirements. This will put coastal communities at risk in the event of storm surges because they will pose safety risks if they are not effective.




In addition to physical safety, these posts provide psychological safety to coastal communities as well. Seeing strong and durable bollards can provide residents and visitors with a feeling of security, knowing that the community is being protected against possible storm surges.


This may also benefit these communities by promoting community cohesion during storm surges and building resilience between residents and visitors. Contact StreetScape to find out more about the bollards we have to offer and how your coastal community can take the necessary steps to add extra protection against storm surges.